- ± 3km Night Walk
- FREE LED Light-up Collar*
- Doggy Games
- Food Stalls for Pups and People
- Pup Photobooths
- Doggy Health Checks
- Live Entertainment
- All Profits Will Go To The Animal Anti-Cruelty League
Who Is
The Animal Anti-Cruelty League?
They are the second biggest independent animal welfare organisation in South Africa,
and rely entirely on the generosity of the animal-loving public for financial support.
They provide shelter for abandoned animals, promote an efficient adoption programme, prosecute animal cruelty cases, operate welfare hospitals and provide primary
veterinary care for lower income groups, visit underprivileged areas with fully equipped mobile clinics and regularly address schools and clubs on the challenges
of animal welfare.
Support this amazing cause and buy your ticket now.
Your doggy ticket is only R50.
*The first 3000 doggies will receive a doggy pack
with an LED Light-up collar.
Upgrade your support and buy a Do Good Bag for only R250 for your pup,
Which includes an easy to carry recyclable bag containing:
a doggy blanket, doggy treats, a novelty item and a redeemable doggy voucher.

dotsure.co.za is a product of Oakhurst Insurance Company Limited (FSP 39925) and Oakhurst Life Limited (FSP 44793), authorised financial services providers. Terms and Conditions apply.